Post Divorce
Definition of Post-Divorce:
Post-divorce refers to the period of time after a divorce has been finalized. Even after a divorce has been granted, there may be issues that arise that require the intervention of the court. These issues can include child custody, child support, spousal support, proeprty division, enforcement of orders, parent alienation and other matters related to the dissolution of the marriage.
As part of the divorce decree, the court will typically issue orders related to child custody, visitation , and support, as well as property division and spousal support. However, if one or both parties experience a significant change in circumstances after the divorce, they mayneed to seek a modification of these orders.
If a parent who was granted custody of hte children decides to move out of state, this may require a modification of the custody and vistation orders. Similarly, if one party experiences a significant increase or decrease in income, this may require a modification of the spousal support or child support orders.
Resolving Post-Divorce issues:
Post-divorce issues can be resolved through negotiation, mediation, or litigation. It is important to work with our experienced attorneys who can advise you on your optoins and help you pursue the best possible outcome of your situation.
Commonly Asked Questions
If you experience a signficant change in circumstances after the divorce, such a move or a change in income, you may need to seek a modification of the custody or support orders.
If you and your ex-spouse cannot agree on a modification, you may need to pursue a modification through the court system.
Generally, property division orders are final and cannot be modified. However, there may be some limited circumtstances where a modification is possible.
The timeframe for seeking a modification of the orders can vary depending on the specific circumstances of your case. It is important to speak with one of our attorneys as soon as possible if you believe a modificdation is necessary.
Warning: Navigating the post-divorce landscape requires careful consideration and awareness of various challenges. It is crucial to recognize and address the following emotional hurdles, financial considerations, adjusting to a new reality, budgeting, debt management, lifestyle adjustments, co-parenting issues, compliance with court orders, documenting significant changes in circumstances, safeguarding personal information and updating security measures is important to protect privacy, new relationships should be introduced cautiously, setting boundaries, practicing self-care, and seeking legal guidance for any concerns are vital steps toward a successful post-divorce transition.